Creating an Urban Legend...

As the project has progressed and designs for street furniture and artworks have began to emerge it occurred to us that a great way for everyone to relate to the pieces would be to embed an urban legend that explains the story behind them and why they are there.

So we set to work by firstly finding Simon Heywood, a local storyteller, who had a wealth of knowledge of local stories and legends and then involving a year 9 class to help create it.

Creating the Legend with Year 9 at 
Wisewood Community College

Simon spent the morning with the class recalling tales of guts and ghoules from the local area...have you heard of the lady on the spire??...And thinking of ideas for our very own local legend.

With ideas gathered from the students of Wisewood secondary school, Simon now had the task of creating an urban legend that could become embedded in the minds of local residents for generations to come, so watch this space.....